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    Claudia Berman almost 5 years ago

    I strongly support recommendation #1: App-Based Mobile Pay system. Since our parking spaces are in so many locations, an app-based system like Redondo's recently installed "Park Smarter" solution would help alleviate parking frustration (e.g. driving in circles, pay station annoyance of waiting in line, forgetting the parking space number, etc.) and maximize our current parking footprint. Businesses definitely lose money when drivers just drive on by when they don't see a spot along their route. A parking app can be used to check for spots available even before someone leaves their current destination.

    It would be great to bring back the investigation of a RB, HB, MB shuttle for the summer. I know the MB shuttle vendor didn't work out, but not sure the reason. It may have been cost factors.

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    Vincent Busam almost 5 years ago

    I’m pleased to see our city is evaluating options to improve parking. I was recently invited to a meeting with city staff and other stakeholders where I was able to share some of my concerns with our current parking situation, and listen to how others see the situation. I’d like to note that the city staff was excellent - I was impressed with their knowledge of parking policy and the latest trends, as well as their attention to the pulse of the city and the desires of the residents.

    Moving forward, I think the best way to improve parking would be to dynamically adjust the pricing according to demand. During the peak season, our parking is too cheap, the spots are filled up, and cars stay in the space longer then need be. I’m frequently unable to find parking at all, and have reached the point where on the times that I need to drive, I won’t even head downtown during this peak season, and will just head to other businesses. Raising prices is the classic way to balance this supply and demand problem. Conversely, during the low season, there are frequently many empty spaces, and lowering the prices would attract more visitors to our town and businesses. Additionally, there are several programs operated by the city to offer much lower cost parking to some businesses and residents (I am not eligible). It doesn’t seem fair that I should effectively be subsidizing their parking and dealing with the increased trouble to find parking for their benefit. I’d also worry that extending that benefit to all residents would only compound the problem, so it’s best it be phased out. And while we’re having this discussion, while I don’t count myself a member of the business or “green” environmental communities, I support their efforts to eliminate the parking minimums. The business shouldn’t be forced to build parking they don’t need, as long as we’re not subsidizing their parking as previously mentioned.

    To summarize, I’d like to see the city move on the following items in conjunction:
    Move to demand based pricing
    Phase out residential and employee parking permits
    Eliminate minimum parking requirements