Meeting Time: January 28, 2020 at 6:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

b) REPORT 20-0042 HERMOSA BEACH LOGO REFINEMENT UPDATE (Environmental Analyst Leeanne Singleton & Assistant to the City Manager Nico De Anda-Scaia)

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    Roberthoork Roberthoork over 4 years ago

    I'm selling Aged 2012 Twitter accounts with verified email address only for 4$

    All accounts come with full access to the original email that was used to create the account!

    Are the accounts aged? Yes, 7 years old

    What are the accounts like? with followers, following, bio or profile picture, all with a luxury name & username

    Only for today. buy 2 get 1 account for free

    If you're interested Contact me via
    Email - congmmo@gmail . com

    Discord : CongMMO#9766
    Skype & Telegram : congmmo
    ICQ : @652720497
    Thank you!

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    Peter Michel over 4 years ago

    I like the new City Logo designs. I think both designs are nice and look good.The logos represent the City very well. I want to suggest Option B (the color logo) which has the ocean blue in it. Option B is my first choice for approval.

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    Claudia Berman over 4 years ago

    Option A