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Agenda Item

a. REPORT 21-0575 ADOPTION OF THE COVID-19 VACCINATION POLICY Continued from September 14, 2021 (Deputy City Manager Angela Crespi)

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    Howard Longacrer almost 3 years ago

    Note: My support is for an even stronger position, such as that of the Manhattan Beach City Council's, requiring all employees to be vaccinated by December, with very few exceptions permitted. Enough with the political nonsense.

    Also: If Council Member Michael Detoy is wearing two hats, one as Hermosa Beach Council Member and the other in any manner connected with that of a fireman's union, regardless of his position on this item, he would ethically best recuse himself from voting on this item.

    Now: The New American Lunacy In The 21st Century.

    In less than a week the total USA deaths from Covid-19 will surpass 700-thousand, and this death count is marching toward 1- million dead in a country of only 329 million.

    Hundreds of thousands of others who’ve endured serious cases of Covid-19 luckily have escaped an extremely close and scary call with death in ICUs, many of whom will have side-effects from the permanent damage the virus has done to their lungs and bodies for the rest of their lives.

    Life-saving, amazing-vaccines have been turned into a political psychosis. This is the new American lunacy of the 21st century.

    American adversaries never realized that Americans, left to their own gibberish, will evidently systematically do themselves in with their own non-stop baloney.

    The current 7-day average of Covid-19 deaths is back up to over 2000 dead PER DAY due virtually entirely to the unvaccinated refusing to get vaccinated.

    That’s now close to the equivalent of 7 jumbo jetliners, each carrying 300 people, crashing and killing everyone onboard, EACH AND EVERY DAY, day after day, and with virtually every one dead having been unwilling to get the free vaccination. Boeing would have an impossible time building 49 jumbo jetliners at $250-million a copy, every single week to replace the symbolic crashed airliners.

    Yet incredibly, people seem clearly convinced that Covid-19 will only kill someone else, and not them, so they don’t get vaccinated and instead see how much nonsense they can find to absorb and justify why they should not get vaccinated. It’s just complete and total insanity.

    It’s become the dumbing down of supposedly intelligent Americans. It’s apparently a new form of ignorance and insanity that many books will be written about in the future.

    Again: My support is for an even stronger position, such as that of the Manhattan Beach City Council's, requiring all employees to be vaccinated by December, with very few exceptions permitted. Enough with the political nonsense.