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    Richard Gotthoffer over 2 years ago

    Tuesday, January 11, 2022
    Thank you for this opportunity to comment on some of the ongoing projects here in Hermosa Beach. Forgive me if my comments do not directly address a current agenda item, but these are all related to ongoing issues.
    Regarding the issues of Climate Adaptation, Living Shoreline, Stormwater Abatement & Mobility Enhancement projects at Site 3.
    I do not feel that the impacts of removing the retaining walls along the existing stairway and the construction of 1 or maybe 2 new ramps with benches at the Strand’s North end have been given appropriate consideration.
    This is the highest elevation along our Hermosa Strand. How does lowering the elevation of the Beach improve our city’s ability to meet the challenge of sea level rise and more severe weather events? I also believe that this change will dramatically increase the amount of blown sand along the lower strand and into the fronts of the homes.
    Also, any new ramp(s) – whether ADA compliant or not, that join the lower to upper strand-ways will quickly become the path of choice for most of our many wheeled visitors, including skateboarders. This will increase the amount and speed of traffic along the Strand, to the determent of pedestrians.
    Meeting the specific requirements for ADA compliance would require considerable new pavement and extensive new railings. I do not wish to sound unsympathetic to the Angelinos that are wheelchair bound, but I submit that the Hermosa pier is 1⁄2 mi. away and the Manhattan pier is 1.5 miles away with accessible Parking, Strand access, Restaurants, Shops and Restrooms.
    Also, given the existing proposal for ADA improvements along Longfellow, and that I suspect the elevation difference is less at that location than at 35th, it seems like the more appropriate location to extend this project one block further to the strand, if the pier access sites are deemed insufficient.
    At the North end of Hermosa, there is a steep rise moving inland, and no facilities at this residential, albeit unusual corner involving the last two northern blocks of Hermosa Beach, and as such, I ask the Council to consider that this is not an appropriate place to encourage further loitering, especially at night.
    If someone wishes to go to the beach, then please enjoy our beautiful beach and please pick up your trash. If enjoying a walk, run or whatever, please enjoy the trip, but watch out for pet waste. However, if you want to hang out immediately in front of private homes, then please don’t. Rather, continue on to one of the business sections, get a table, relax and spend a little money in our beautiful city.
    In regards to the living shoreline proposals with sand dune and native plants, while in theory the idea looks attractive, unfortunately, I fear that it will only create a larger magnet for the many dog owners that train their animals to soil the most attractive portion of our city – the beach & adjacent sidewalk. This area can never become a potential natural wildlife habitat with the current dog traffic. Better yet, let’s accept that the number of dogs with uncaring owners has reached such high numbers that it is time to insist on using the more appropriate and centrally located greenway.
    As a small trial, if the existing ice plant is replaced with native plants, the area could be monitored, though given the ice plant has lived there for over 50 years, perhaps it can be considered a Native!
    In regards to the storm drain at the strand end, I disagree with previous comments that the beach in this location is unused. The current drainage pit is a favorite hangout for not only children playing there, including ‘sand surfing’ and splashing but many adults are also drawn to it. The beach extending further towards the water is also a very popular spot. I wish to express my support for the ‘gravel bed glorified leach line’ proposal.
    Although not specifically mentioned in the meetings that I am aware of, I believe that improved visibility by painting of the existing crosswalk would be a considerable improvement to the traffic flow. South of Longfellow on the lower Strand, alerting tourists that the only outlet is a stairway and at the North end between the 3400-3500 blocks. Also, along the upper bikeway, both North of the crosswalk, and South of the crosswalk along Hermosa Ave, additional reminders to the many bikers that they do not have the right of way & must yield. Perhaps

    a speed bump both at the end of the upper strand and South of the alley entrance, will need to be considered to allow for safe pedestrian crossing.
    Finally, if any work will be completed at this location, please consider improving the significant light pollution currently present, both along Hermosa Ave. and the lower Strand. There are many newer designs that would allow for more light on the Strand itself with less unwanted light streaming into the adjacent homes.
    Thank you for this opportunity to express my opinions on these ongoing city projects.