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Agenda Item

A. Greenbelt Accessibility and ADA Transition Plan

Staff Report Att 1 Draft ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan Att 2 Draft Greenbelt Feasibility Study Att 3 Draft ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan Appendix B – ADA Evaluation Reports Att 4 Comment from Betsy Ryan Item 7a - Supplemental Presentation Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Myra Telac Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Gary Clark Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Robert N. Rosenfeld Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Renée Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Pam T Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Geoff Hirsch Item 7a - Supplemental eComment from Priscila Kasha Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Maria Haase Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Gary Clark Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Marion Pearl Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Debbie Sanowski Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Judith A. Mango Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Christine Wike Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Tara McNamara Stabile Item 7a - Supplemental Written Correspondence from Jim Rosenberg Item 7a - Supplemental eComment from Jeff Lewis Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Maritza Alvarado Item 7a - Supplemental eComment from Carolyn Petty Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Barb Sabo Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Tony Higgins Item 7a - Supplemental eComment from Walt Kasha Item 7a - Supplemental eComment from Moira Nelson Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Geoff Hirsch for Letter from Isabel Rodriguez Item 7a - Supplemental eComment from Tracy H Item 7a - Supplemental eComment from Ira Ellman Item 7a - Supplemental eComment from Ken Hartley Item 7a - Supplemental eComment from Ken Hartley Item 7a - Supplemental eComment from Sheryl Main Item 7a - Supplemental Email from E. Thomas Moroney Item 7a - Supplemental Written Correspondence from Rob Saemann Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Isabel Rodriguez Item 7a - Supplemental Email from Jessica Guheen Item 7a - Supplemental eComment from Elisa Nicholas Item 7a - Supplemental eComment from Kelly Kinnon
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    kelly Kinnon over 2 years ago

    All residents (and non-residents, for that matter) should be able to enjoy the greenbelt. It is easy to oppose something until you have walked in the shoes of those who are truly affected -- or in this case, rolled in the chairs. Most of us are lucky to be able-bodied, but we must support and be empathetic to those who are not and do our best to allow them to also enjoy nature and the small strip of Hermosa where it can truly be enjoyed. I support making this accessable to all.

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    Elisa Nicholas over 2 years ago

    I fully support making the green belt accessible to wheelchairs, walkers and strollers. The green belt is truly a gift to the community that should be accessible to all in the community. Access to the trees, plants, wildlife and butterflies that fill the green belt is healing to those who access it. Going there with others especially those you have mobility issues not only heals but builds community and decreases social isolation. As the mother of a young man with cerebral palsy, I have often hoped he could join my daughter and me on our green belt walks. Please support this effort and bring it to fruition one small section at a time. Let us truly prove that Hermosa Beach is a kind and inclusive community that cares about all their residents.

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    Sheryl Main over 2 years ago

    This is more than about giving a "smattering" of residents the opportunity to enjoy all our great city has to offer. It's about compassion and being inclusive. This isn't about paving over anything...this is about finding better ways to make life better for all not jsut for some. I support creating access for EVERYONE and trust our Council members will do the right thing by allowing a portion of the Green Belt to be accessible by using decomposed granite. How can we say it doesn't work and will ruin the Green Belt if we don't try. Let's at least give it a shot. Thank you.

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    Ken Hartley over 2 years ago

    I oppose the paving of the greenbelt in any fashion. How many times do residents have to keep telling the same council that WE DO NOT WANT THE GREENBELT CHANGED? Leave it as is.

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    Ira Ellman over 2 years ago

    I support Option 1 of the staff report that utilizes decomposed granite in lieu of wood chips. Those residents utilizing wheelchairs, strollers and “walkers” should be able to enjoy at least a small segment that the rest of us regularly experience. For those that think it will ruin the “beauty” of the Greenbelt, note that after a week or so the wood chips don’t always have a great look. Decomposed granite doesn't look anything like pavement and looks (and is) natural. In addition, the wood chips cost thousands of dollars to be replaced (twice a year, I believe). The decomposed granite at South Park has held up very well for many years and looks great and “natural”. For those who are concerned about bicycle use, they are already allowed on the Greenbelt. It is also unlikely that many additional bicycle riders would get on the Greenbelt for such a small stretch. I’ve noticed that many of those that are against this proposed test (like the former mayor), predicted mayhem when Pier and Hermosa avenues were reduced to one lane each way. Mayhem never happened. They were wrong there and they likely will be wrong with this minor change to the Greenbelt.

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    Tracy H over 2 years ago

    Choose option zero... Oppose staff recommendations. Leave as is.

    The Greenbelt meets ADA Standards now.

    "The Greenbelt is “Safe Harbored”, which means the City does not have to make modifications to elements in a facility that [already] comply with ADA Standards."

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    Moira Nelson over 2 years ago

    I fully support the implementation of a pilot program for creating an accessible path for wheelchairs, rolling walkers, etc., on the Greenbelt. My view is that the Greenbelt is for everyone and that we need to get as many people safely and cooperatively enjoying it as we can. It is a matter of community well-being and community values; and I am convinced it can be done in a way that preserves the beauty and health of the Greenbelt itself. My only concern is that I have heard that it is almost impossible to push a wheelchair over decomposed granite, and I want the modifications to actually work!

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    Walt Kasha over 2 years ago

    Hermosa Beach City Council,

    I oppose the proposal to put a ADA accessible path in the greenbelt for several reasons.

    First and foremost, according to Hermosa’s City Attorney “the City is not obligated by State or federal law to undertake these proposed Greenbelt improvements unless the City is making other improvements”. The City is not making any other improvements. Therefore this Greenbelt project is not required by law and it is misleading to call it “Greenbelt Accessibility and ADA requirement Transition Plan”. Further, comments have been made supporting access for strollers, which has nothing to do with the ADA.

    Has there been any investigation to the environmental impacts and CEQA analysis? If not, this also needs to be evaluated by law.

    The second issue is the hardscape will invite motorized bicycles, skateboards and scooters to indiscriminately use it, and put residents with disabilities at risk while using it. The enforcement for ADA use only, which is the pretext for this proposal, is a HUGE concern given the ineffective enforcement by the Hermosa Beach Police Dept in enforcing the traffic laws on The Strand. These laws are flagrantly and constantly being violated by reckless motorists, frequently minors, who greatly exceed the posted speed limit of 8 MPH and the violate the current law - “ prohibition of all electric and motorized devices on The Strand”. It is common to have motorized bikes and skateboards race by at speeds over 25 MPH, only a couple feet away from walking and running pedestrians. Posted signs are IGNORED and INEFFECTIVE. Policing the Greenbelt will further tax the resources of the Hermosa Beach Police Department to enforce the laws.

    Last, the cost to develop and maintain this hardscape is unnecessary and a burden on police and financial resources that the City doesn’t have.

    Walt Kasha

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    Carolyn Petty over 2 years ago

    It is disturbing that this continues to come back even when the community came out against this a few years ago. A handful of people should not continue to have this kind of influence over a public treasure regularly enjoyed by thousands of residents. No changes should happen until the entire community is noticed via mail of proposed changes. 99% of the community does not look at Public Works agendas and when I tell people that this has come back YET AGAIN, they are shocked. My suggestion is that the city rent a modified wheelchair and offer it free of charge to those who are interested in using it. The city could publicize it using their PIO. See if thousands of people use it. Weigh that against the thousands of people who do use it today. The woodchips are a natural surface that contribute to the environment in many ways. DG is a hardscaped surface – take a look at what they installed at the park at Prospect and Hollowell. It is ugly and already cracking. For a city that prides itself on an environmental stance, the idea of hardscaping the greenbelt – which is what DG is – runs contrary to everything the city stands for. This is not an ADA issue – there are no barriers to entry and there is an adjacent sidewalk. If this was illegal, every hiking trail in the country would be illegal. It is disingenuous to imply this. When this came up a few years ago the City Attorney told us that it was not an ADA issue when there is an adjacent sidewalk that is accessible. Please do not recommend any changes to this wonderful part of Hermosa Beach, enjoyed by thousands of people.

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    Jeff Lewis over 2 years ago

    I'd like to express my support for option 1 of the staff report (i.e., converting the entire Green Belt pedestrian path to decomposed granite). I have walked and run on such paths in other locations throughout California and think it is great solution. I also believe it is important to further the objectives of the ADA by ensuring accessibility to all residents. My only caveat is that the path remain limited to pedestrians for walking and running and not be open to activities such as cycling. Thank you. Jeff

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    Priscila Kasha over 2 years ago

    I oppose the Greenbelt Accessibility and ADA Transition Plan. Adding a path for the ADA would invite motorized bicyclists and skateboarders to use this path indiscriminately, creating a similar situation as on The Strand with little to NO police enforcement and a complete disregard for pedestrian safety. The Strand has a serious problem with out of control motorized bikes, scooters and skateboards dangerously speeding by ignoring traffic laws and jeopardizing pedestrian safety. No wants to address this problem, and this latest Greenbelt proposal would lead to the same dangerous conditions and safety issues for the Greenbelt path. This could also lead to homeless encampments on the Greenbelt once shopping carts and other means are available to transport their belongings to the Greenbelt (which is secluded and not visible).

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    Geoff Hirsch over 2 years ago


    The entire public works department and especially the Director, as well as the city manager and Council is to be commended for bringing this project forward.

    After many years, it looks as though the city is finally ready to acknowledge that those citizens who are challenged, physically, whether they use wheelchairs, walkers, or simply parents pushing strollers, are entitled to equal access, everywhere. The concept is simple: everyone is entitled to access the Greenbelt.

    Simply stated, those with challenges can and must be allowed to gain access to everywhere able-bodied people can go.


    Geoff Hirsch
    Cell: (310) 846-7843